Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Managing User Communities > UserProfile Server Control

UserProfile Server Control

A user’s Profile page is their home on the Web site. The UserProfile control displays following information about a user.

The user’s avatar

Personal Tags associated with the user

The user’s Screen Name

Custom Properties associated with the user

If community aliasing for users is enabled, the user's alias (following Profile Links)

Logged in users can edit their profile by clicking Edit Profile in the top right corner.

This dialog box is the same dialog that a membership user uses to create an account on the site. See Membership Server Control for a description of this dialog.

URL Aliases for UserProfiles

To automatically create a friendly URL for a UserProfile, you can use Community Aliasing for Users. Community URL Aliasing for more information.

Sample of User Profile

You can see a sample profile on the eIntranet My Profile page's top left corner.

UserProfile Server Control Properties

The UserProfile server control properties are described in this table.

Note: The following table only lists Ektron-specific properties. It does not describe native .NET properties such as font, height, width and border style. For documentation of these properties, see Visual Studio help.



Data Type


Indicates if you are logged in to the CMS Explorer and can use it to browse to Content, Collections, etc.See Also: Working with Ektron CMS400.NET Server Controls



The display height in pixels of the avatar in the profile area.



The display width in pixels of the avatar in the profile area.



Sets the amount of time, in seconds, that the server control’s data is cached. The default is 0 (zero).

For example, to cache the data for five minutes, set to 300. See Also: Caching with Server Controls



The default user ID for this control to use when there is no matching dynamic parameter value passed.



Determines how information is displayed on the page. Enter the path to the XSL file. It can be relative or absolute.

Warning! If you specify an external file, it is strongly recommended that you do not store this file in your site's Workarea folder. If you store this file in the Workarea folder, the file will be lost when you upgrade.




By default, Fill occurs during the Page_Init event. Set to false if you want to postpone the fill-action until later. In this case, FIll is automatically called during the Page Render event.

You might do this if you need to set or change a property on the control in codebehind and have it render with your changes shown.



Gets or sets the QueryString parameter to read a user ID dynamically. To use the default object ID, leave blank.



Set to True to display a user’s email address in his profile. If a user’s Private Profile setting is set to Private, his profile information is not visible, regardless of this property’s setting. If Private Profile is set to Colleagues, only a user’s colleagues can see email information.

True - display a user’s email address in his profile.

False - do not display a user’s email address in his profile.



Used to hide output of the control in design time and run time.

True = Hide control

False = Display control



Set a language for viewing the server control. This property shows information in design-time (in Visual Studio) and at run-time (in a browser).



Specify the path to a style sheet for use with the Documents server control. The location can be relative or absolute. Leave blank to use the default style sheet.



Suppresses the output of the span/div tags around the control. The default is False.

True - Suppress wrap tags.

False - Allow wrap tags.



The Web page template that contains the CommunitySearch server control. This allows users to search for others users with the same tags.

If a template is entered, Personal Tags in the Profile appear as links. Clicking a tag forwards the user to a User Search page that displays search results for the matching tag.



Determines the type of window that appears on this Web form when a user clicks an item in the server control. The default is _self.

_Self - opens in same window

_Top - opens in parent window

_Blank - opens in new window

_Parent - opens in the parent frame



The numeric ID of the taxonomy that is available to users. A user editing a profile can select which categories to associate with their profiles. 

See Also: Items on the Category Tab; Taxonomy



Allows a developer to specify a server control’s tag.

The default is Span.

Span - The <span> tag is used to designate an inline portion of an HTML document as a span element.

Div - The <div> tag is used when you want to apply attributes to a block of code.

Custom - Allows you to use a custom tag.


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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.